Coach JoJo

Spread the love and positivity to everyone!

We can't identify whether the seeds are good or bad. But, we can use the right way to cultivate them. A generous farmer would not hoe one's own potatoes. All of us need to be a generous farmer to cultivate the seeds by spreading your happiness, joyful and positivity. Let's create a harmonious world through the little action from you and me.

Leadership Involvement

  • Head of Media group in Jesus Caritas Church (2012 – 2014)
  • Conductor of Choral Speaking in Jesus Caritas Church (2018 & 2019)
  • Head of Game Coordinator in Youth Camp (2013)

Personal Achievement

  • Main Emcee in a graduation ceremony
  • Principal in De’Emcee Bandar Sri Damansara

Community Involvement

  • Visitation to the orphanage as a choir special occasion
  • Volunteer to do community service with famine 30
  • Volunteer to do community service for refugee
  • Community involvement in food distribution with food bank organization